
This section are provided all the information regarding the best practices in the vocational education and training regarding hybrid project management, sustainability in tourist sector.

In this document the user may find described the job responsibilities, daily tasks, and soft and hard skills needed in order the existing and prospective professionals of the sustainable tourism sector to act effectively as Hybrid Project Managers.

HyPro4ST (VOOC) “Sustainable Hybrid Project Management for the Tourism Sector

  • Handbook and course catalogue for learners, Training material, Additional Learning, Learning Activities and Assessments and Exams leading to the recognition of the qualifications obtained and to the Certification of Attendance

The Virtual Learning Hub will host both the training material of the HyPro4ST Practical Guide and of the VOOC ,addressing professionals, practitioners and students of the tourism sector and VET and higher education trainers respectively. It will serve the delivery of the VOOC and the asynchronous part of the HyPro4ST Seminars to the targeted audiences

All the stakeholders affected by vocational and higher education learning programs for an innovative, projectized, digitalized and sustainable tourism sector. It will be tied to the EU objectives to address challenges in education and training systems by 2030 and could inform the update of the Blueprint for tourism sector.